Since I live in Singapore and my larger family in Mumbai (India), I am especially concerned. Singapore being a traffic hub for air flights or ships, it is almost certain that the pandemic will come to Singapore. It is also almost certain that it will pass through Mumbai (India). Last pandemic of Spanish Flu in 1918-1919, 20 million (of 40 million world wide) Indians died!
While death is a tragedy in itself, even more horrifying is the panic and fear that will make people kill each other, many of us will abandon their spouse on the slight pretext, numerous parents will abandon their small sick children, many neighbors with slight suspicion will lock the door of the suspect victim from the outside to avoiding spread of contagion. I am not imaging this from thin air, these things have happened in the past epidemics. During the plague of 1665 that hit London, people committed horrifying brutalities during the Plague. In Surat (India), during the Plague of 1994, a time when the disease is well understood, things were no better. Most of the doctors ran away out of the city followed by the mass exodus of general population. The people who were leaving the city were at risk of getting killed by locals where they went. Today the bubonic plague is well understood and is contagious and treatable.
While government of most countries now have good plan for the Killer Flu, they cannot think of all scenarios and it can easily fail. Such top-down approach, while important, is not a fool proof approach. For example, in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, even the USA government was largely unprepared and there was anarchy and looting. With killer flu on rampage, one can only imagine the chaos it might create, especially in developing countries.
A ground level approach is also needed. Here are three things that I can think that government should help ordinary citizens do:
- Reducing Fear Having knowledge of a disease greatly reduces fear. For example, Bubonic plague does not spread human to human, but mostly by rat-flea-human. A rat that has died for couple of days, could still spread plague because the fleas on the rat are desperate to find another host. Having brief knowledge of the disease can greatly reduce fear. It is a tragedy that the Plague outbreaks can still create fear in people. Killer Flu will not be that easy, as it is contagious and like cold it will spread like wild fire. Still knowledge of the disease will help people take precautions.
- Facing Boldly: Running away from the city is not a good idea. As an individual it is perhaps right thing to do to minimize the individual risk. But as a society, if you are the carrier, you will spread to others. In case of pandemic, it is not even practical to leave the city. The border may be closed while fleeing and you may be in no-man's land and suffer a worse fate. The best thing is to show a soldier spirit and behave like a responsible citizen. Nature on it's part will show enough cruelity. Imagine the parents die of Flu, leaving the kids orphaned! This is quite likely, as Flu kills mostly people with strong immunity (age of 20-35 years) than people with poor immunity (small kids or old people). Knowing that in case I am dead, my kids will be taken care of othera, will make me less fearful and willing to help others.
- Enough Food Supply: Having a month of food supply in the house is always a good idea. Nower days, canned food, pasta, lentils, rice and even milk is available that can last without refregiration for many years. Keep consuming the old ones and replinishing them so nothing is wasted. Storing in advance is better than hoarding (and depriving others) during the pandemic